Speaker: Prof. David L. Dill, Stanford University Date: Wednesday, July 15th Time: 3:00pm. Place: DC1302 Title: Towards Practical Formal Verification of Microprocessors Abstract: Full formal verification of a commercial microprocessor design could be considered a "grand challenge" problem for formal verification researchers. However, many of the grand challenges that have been proposed (such as weather prediction) don't double in complexity every couple of years! In this talk, I will discuss some of ideas we have had over the last few years for new ideas to formally verifying microprocessor designs, based on symbolic simulation and analysis, and some of the problems on the way to a practical solution to this problem.
Thursday, July 16, 1998 Ph.D. Defence ``Process Spaces and Formal Verification of Asynchronous Circuits'' Radu Negulescu, CS Graduate Student, Univ. of Waterloo 1:30 p.m.; DC 1304
COMPUTER SCIENCE SEMINAR -Friday, July 17, 1998 Robert Berks, graduate student, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo, will speak on ``Tree-based FIFOs''. TIME: 10:00-11:00 a.m. ROOM: MC 5158 ABSTRACT FIFOs are a common part of many circuits and are often designed as a simple linear array of cells. Designers striving for high speed and low power consumption may need to consider alternative architectures, however. An asynchronous tree-based architecture is one architecture that has been proposed to reduce latency and power consumption by reducing the number of data movements in a FIFO. On the other hand tree-based architectures have been criticised for being more difficult to design and lay out. This talk discusses the benefits, and disadvantages of asynchronous tree-based architectures and contrasts them with linear pipelines. By using a new timing- analysis technique one can show that one can improve the layout and area of a tree without affecting the throughput. Thus we can have all the power-saving benefits of a tree without significant disadvantages.************************************************************************
10. Lab Deep-cleanup