Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, July 8th, 1998
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30
- Chair:
- Ian Stewart
Member List
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
- Coffee hour last week:
- Thank you, Tim Lahey
- Coffee hour this week:
- Any volunteers?
- Coffee hour next week:
- Any volunteers?
3. Next meeting
- Date:
- Wednesday, July 15th, 1998
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30
- Chair:
- Clara Tsang
- Technical presentation:
- Dan Milgram
4. Forthcoming
- Chairs:
- Teresa Yeung (July 22nd)
- Shalini Aggarwal (July 29th)
- Berj Bannayan (August 5th)
- Tech Presenters:
- Liddy Olds (July 22nd)
- Mark Riddell (July 29th)
- Navid Sadikali? (August 5th)
5. Technical Presentation
- Presenter:
- Marryat Ma
- Title:
- Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Computer Networks
- Abstract:
Today, computer systems offer many services to many users, who have
different privileges. A computer system must be able to verify a
user's identity. The process of verifying the user's identity is
called authentication. Password-based authentication is not suited
for computer networks, as passwords that are sent over the network can
be intercepted and used to impersonate the user. Kerberos was
developed to provide a more secure alternative to password-based
authentication. In this talk, I will describe the basic Kerberos
services and if time permits, I will discuss some additional features
of Kerberos.
6. General Discussion Items
- Net Mosquito '98 (Rob)
- Lab cleaning (Eric)
7. Action List
8. Director's Meeting
9. Seminars
-Monday, July 13, 1998
Clara Tsang, graduate student, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ.
Waterloo, will speak on ``Animated Surface Pasting''.
TIME: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
ROOM: DC 1304
Surface pasting is a composition method in which a
feature surface is attached to a base surface to
provide details on the underlying surface. In computer
animation, a lot of time is spent modeling, and surface
pasting is a modeling method that can quickly and
easily model faces and other objects with small
details. Thus, surface pasting may be a useful
animation technique. However, it is unclear whether
pasted surfaces will have problems such as distortion
in animation. In my talk, I will discuss how pasted
surfaces behave in an animation system.
James Stewart From University of Toronto will be giving a talk at UofW.
Date: July 15th Time: 10:30-11:30 Room: TBA
As part of the Celebrity Lecture Series, the CS GSA and ECE GSA have
invited Prof. David Dill from Stanford University to come to speak on
formal verification of microprocessor designs on Wed., July 15.
Title: Towards Practical Formal Verification of Microprocessors
Speaker: Prof. David L. Dill, Stanford University
Full formal verification of a commercial microprocessor design could
be considered a "grand challenge" problem for formal verification
researchers. However, many of the grand challenges that have been
proposed (such as weather prediction) don't double in complexity every
couple of years!
In this talk, I will discuss some of ideas we have had over the last
few years for new ideas to formally verifying microprocessor designs,
based on symbolic simulation and analysis, and some of the problems
on the way to a practical solution to this problem.
More info available on uw.cs.grad.
Thursday, July 16, 1998
Ph.D. Defence
``Process Spaces and Formal Verification of Asynchronous Circuits''
Radu Negulescu, CS Graduate Student, Univ. of Waterloo
1:30 p.m.; DC1304
10. Lab Deep-cleanup