CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, April 29, 1998

DC 1304
Comrade Leader:
Rob Kroeger

1. Birth of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Comrade Epicurean this week:
Celine Latulipe
Comrade Epicurean next week:

3. Next meeting

Wednesday, May 6, 1998
DC 1304
Comrade Leader:
Celine Latulipe
Comrade Presenter:
Patrick Gilhuly

4. Forthcoming

Comrade Leaders:
  1. Nathan Litke (May 13th)
  2. Marryat Ma (May 20th)
  3. Stephen Mann (May 27th)
Comrade Presenters:
  1. Eric Hall (May 13th)
  2. Kirk Haller (May 20th)
  3. Rob Kroeger (May 27th)

5. Technical Presentations

Comrade Presenter:
Glen Evans
Title: A cool raytracer
Abstract: Glen will discuss his thesis work: a photo-realistic renderer.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Senior Politburo Comrades' Meeting

9. Seminars


                    -Friday, May 1, 1998

George Yanbing Guo, graduate student, Dept. Comp. Sci.,
will  speak on ``A Software Architecture Reconstruction

TIME:                1:00-2:00 p.m.

ROOM:                DC 1331


With  the  shift   from   pure-structural-  to  object-
oriented   design,  the  use  of  patterns  at  various
design  levels,  including  the  architecture level, is
becoming   a   trend.   However,   when   a  system  is
implemented,  the  design  patterns disappear  in   the
code-level    program   artifacts.   Consequently,  the
leverage  of  using  design patterns in understanding a
system's architecture is obscured.

Software architecture recovery,   which deals with  the
the extraction and analysis of a system's architecture,
has  gained  more tool support in the  past  few years,
whereas  little  has been done  on developing effective
and     efficient     pattern-oriented     architecture
analysis   methods.     The   known    pattern-oriented
analysis   method   is  primarily  applicable to  small
systems    using  manual  inspections.     This  thesis
presents a  semi-automatic analysis  method, called ARM
(Architecture   Reconstruction    Method),     to  help
reconstruct   software  architectures  based on pattern
recognition.   Evaluation  of ARM in case studies shows
that  it is effective  in recognizing instantiations of
design  patterns  and  can  be efficient when effort is
amortized over several systems.

10. Communal Custodial Duties