Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, March 11, 1998
- Location:
- Computer Graphics Lab
- Time:
- 1:30
- Chair:
- Wm Cowan
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
- Coffee hour this week:
- ???
- Coffee hour next week:
- ???
3. Next meeting
- Date:
- Wednesday, March 18, 1998
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30
- Chair:
- Itai Danan
- Technical presentation:
- Blair Conrad
4. Forthcoming
- Chairs:
- Ed Dengler (Mar 25th)
- Glenn Evans (April 1st)
- Patrick Gilhuly (April 8th)
- Tech Presenters:
- Bill Cowan (Mar 25th)
- Itai Danan (April 1st)
- Ed Dengler (April 8th)
5. Technical Presentation
- Presenter:
- Wilkin Chau
- Title: Unknown
- Abstract:
6. General Discussion Items
7. Action List
- Visiting prospective faculty members.
- Deadline for submission of Theses/Essays for Spring Convocation 1998
is May 30, 1998.
- Alias/SideFX talks coming; send abstracts to Mike McCool
- Blair Conrad coordinates U of T visit (with van@dgp)
8. Director's Meeting
9. Seminars
The Business Club Presents:
Thursday March 12th 11:30-1:00 DC1302
Everyone is welcome.
Some lunch will be provided in the form of
sandwiches and juice!
IBM has made some aggressive moves to corner the small business market.
Katrina Storr-Stronach, associate marketing manager at IBM, has agreed
to come to Waterloo to discuss their efforts. Topics covered will
include a statistical analysis of the small business market, the
technology needs of small business, and how IBM has moved to meet
these needs. Les Chapman, a recruiting representative, will also be
present to answer questions. Everyone is encouraged to come out to
enjoy this interesting talk and some free lunch!
Eric Hall
(UW Business Club President)
Spinning your own Threads
Ondrej Lhotak
Improvements in operating systems and hardware architecture are making
multi-threaded programming increasingly important. Although seemingly
mysterious, threads are relatively easy to implement on top of almost any
operating system. This talk will use a simple example very loosely based
onChris Provenzano's pthreads to illustrate the main ideas required to
implement a multi-threading system. I will start with a description of
thread contexts, and show how to create them, switch between them, and
destroy them. I will then discuss pre-empting, and briefly mention the
concurrency issues which it brings. The latter half of the talk will
cover thread scheduling and the implementation of synchronization objects,
including mutexes and semaphores. Note that this talk will concentrate on
how threads work, not on how to use them.
Thursday, March 12th, 1998
MC 4042
Tea and doughnaughts will be served.
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A Student Chapter of the ACM
Unknown (recruiting talk)
Michael Godfrey (Cornell)
Friday, March 13th, 1998
MC 5158
Information Assimilation for MPI-video (recruiting talk)
Jeffrey Boyd
Monday, March 16th, 1998
DC 1304
10. Lab Cleanup
A clean lab is a happy lab.