Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, March 4, 1998
- Location:
- Computer Graphics Lab
- Time:
- 1:30
- Chair:
- Blair Conrad
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
- Coffee hour this week:
- Mike McCool
- Coffee hour next week:
- ???
3. Next meeting
- Date:
- Wednesday, March 11, 1998
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30
- Chair:
- Bill Cowan
- Technical presentation:
- Wilkin Chau
4. Forthcoming
- Chairs:
- Itai Danan (Mar 18th)
- Ed Dengler (Mar 25th)
- Glenn Evans (April 1st)
- Tech Presenters:
- Blair Conrad (Mar 18th)
- Bill Cowan (Mar 25th)
- Itai Danan (April 1st)
5. Technical Presentations
- Presenter:
- Richrad Bartels
- Title: Wavelets for Dummies
- Abstract:
I will give a low-level introduction of wavelets
and their use in image compression. The intent
of this talk is that you should know the basic
terminology and concepts, not that you should
be up to date on the literature -- hence the title.
6. General Discussion Items
- Blair: DGP visit - talks and food
7. Action List
- Visiting prospective faculty members.
- Deadline for submission of Theses/Essays for Spring Convocation 1998
is May 30, 1998.
- Alias/SideFX talks coming; send abstracts to Mike McCool
- Blair Conrad coordinates U of T visit (with van@dgp)
8. Director's Meeting
9. Seminars
A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Lambda Calculus
Christopher Hendrie
The Lambda Calculus is both an elegant formal model of computation and a
powerful programming language. In this talk, I will introduce the calculus
of lambda-kappa-conversion and explore connections with computability,
programming language design, and algorithmic chemistry.
Thursday,March 5th, 1998
MC 4041
Tea and doughnaughts will be served.
- Monday, March 9, 1998
Tim Brecht, Laboratory for Computer Systems Research,
Department of Computer Science, York University, will
speak on ``The Region Fault Library: Mechanisms for
User-Level Management of Arbitrarily Sized Data''.
TIME: 10:30-12:00 p.m.
ROOM: DC 1302
This talk introduces mechanisms for generating and
handling software faults for arbitrarily sized
regions (contiguous addresses) of memory. In other
words, user-level software faults are generated based
on user defined data structures rather than on pages of
virtual memory. Our current implementation, which runs
on SGI, SUN and IBM platforms, is described
along with considerations for porting the library to
other operating systems and architectures.
One of the most compelling applications of the
Region Fault Library and the mechanisms it provides
is in implementing distributed shared-memory (DSM)
systems based on shared regions rather than shared
pages of memory. We demonstrate how these mechanisms
can be used to manage shared regions of memory that are
smaller and/or larger than the size of a virtual
memory page and discuss the significant performance
benefits that can result from this increased
flexibility. If time permits other applications
of these mechanisms will be discussed.
This is research jointly conducted with Harjinder
10. Lab Cleanup
A clean lab is a happy lab.