CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, October 15th, 1997

DC 1304
Stephen Mann

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour last week:
Thanks, Liddy!
Coffee hour this week:
Paul Prescod
Coffee hour next week:
Volunteer ?

3. Next meeting

October 22nd, 1997
DC 1302 OR CGL
Mike Hammond (10/22) :-(

Technical presentation:
Alberto Raposo

4. Forthcoming


  1. Adarsh Mehta (10/29)
  2. :-)
  3. Dan Milgram (11/5)
  4. :-)
  5. Liddy Olds (11/12)
  6. :-)
  7. Paul Prescod (11/19)
  8. :-(

Tech Presenters:

  1. Marryat Ma (10/29)
  2. :-(
  3. Mike Hammond (11/5)
  4. :-(
  5. Adarsh Mehta (11/12)
  6. :-)
  7. Dan Milgram (11/19)
  8. :-)

5. Technical Presentation

Stephen Mann:

"A Two-sided Patch Suitable for Inclusion in a B-Spline Surface",
by Malcolm Sabin

A two-sided, transfinite patch is used to fill 2-sided holes in a tensor product polynomial surface network. The two-sided patch is constructed to meet the tensor product patches with $C^1$ continuity.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

Special note: the GI deadline for submitting papers is October 31st and the deadline for the Implicit Surfaces Workshop is November 20th.

8. Director's Meeting

There wasn't one.

9. Seminars

     Wednesday, October 15, 1997
          Theory Seminar
          ``How To Do Point Location''
          Binhai Zhu, Dept of Computer Science, City University of Hong Hong
          3:30-4:30, DC 1304
     Wednesday 15 October 1997
	Computer Science Club
	Raytracing With POV-Ray
	Chris Doherty
	16:45, DC 1304

     Monday, October 20, 1997
          Networks Seminar
          ``Multicasting and Anycasting:
          Two Techniques for Providing A Scalable Web Service''
          Mostafa H. Ammar, College of Computing, Georgia Inst. of Technology
          1:30 - 2:30 p.m; DC1302

     Tuesday, October 21, 1997
          InfraNET Seminar
          ``Effective Virtual Teams''
          David Martin, President and Co-founder, SMART Technologies Inc.

   October 22-23, 1997
          ICR Short Course -
          ``Software Re-engineering Practice and Research''
          Kostas Kontogiannis, Assistant Professor
          Electrical & Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo
          9:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; DC1304

10. Lab Cleanup!!!