Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, October 1st, 1997
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 13:30
- Chair:
- Marryat Ma
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
- Coffee hour this week:
- Adarsh Mehta
- Coffee hour next week:
- Volunteer?
3. Next meeting
- Date:
- October 8th, 1997
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 13:30
- Chair:
Leo Magalhaes
- Technical presentation:
- Celine Latulipe
4. Forthcoming
- Mike Hammond (10/15)
- Steve Mann (10/22)
- Adarsh Mehta (10/29)
- Dan Milgram (11/5)
Tech Presenters:
- Marryat Ma (10/15)
- Alberto Raposo (switching with Leo) (10/22)
- Mike Hammond (10/29)
- Steve Mann (11/5)
5. Technical Presentation
- Rob Kroeger:
- Interrupts: a monkey wrench in statistical scheduling?
- Abstract:
Statistical scheduling provides a light-weight mechanism for
supporting ultra-fine grain multiprocessing of repeated code
fragments. However, it requires intra-fragment execution time
similarity. Asynchronous interrupts interfere with this by altering
a fragment's execution time. We discuss statistical scheduling
and present a natural mechanism to handle asynchronous interrupts.
6. General Discussion Items
7. Action List
8. Director's Meeting
9. Seminars
10. Lab Cleanup!!!