Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, June 18th, 1997
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 13:30
- Chair:
- Balasingham Balakumaran
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
- Coffee hour this week:
- Glenn Evans
- Coffee hour next week:
- ???
3. Next meeting
- Date:
- June 25th, 1997
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 13:30
- Chair:
- Richard Bartels
- Technical presentation:
- Balasingham Balakumaran
4. Forthcoming
- Ian Bell(7/2)
- Wilkin Chau (7/9)
- Itai Danan (7/16)
Tech Presenters:
- Richard Bartels (7/2)
- Ian Bell(7/9)
- Wilkin Chau (7/16)
5. Technical Presentation
- Presenter:
- Tali Zvi
- Title:
- Visualization of Vector Fields
- Abstract:
- In Scientific Visualization, often there is a need to visualize Vector
Fields. Visualizing 3D vectors is not a trivial problem. A Vector field
can include many kinds of information as magnitude, direction, torsion
and curvature.
I am am going to present two methods to visualize vector fields.
These methods use the magnitude and direction of the vector to
focus on highlighting regions of similar vector direction.
6. General Discussion Items
7. Action List
- Japanese Visitors
- Alias Visit Visit
8. Director's Meeting
9. Seminars
- A Parametric Hybrid Triangular Bezier Patch
Matthew Davidchuk, graduate student, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ.
Friday, June 20, 1997
9:30-10:30 a.m.
DC 1304
The triangular Bezier patch presents a natural
primitive for modeling surfaces of arbitrary topology,
but does not enjoy the same widespread use as the
tensor product patch. Existing triangular Bezier patch
interpolation schemes that are designed to fit surfaces
to parametric data produce interpolants that suffer
from noticeable visual flaws. Patch boundaries are
often visible as creases in the resulting surface.
Interpolation of functional data is simpler than
interpolation of parametric data. However schemes such
as the Clough-Tocher technique have many of the same
visual flaws as parametric schemes. Foley and Opitz
introduced an improvement over Clough-Tocher. Central
to the Foley-Opitz scheme is the cross boundary
construction that produces quadratically varying cross
boundary derivatives.
My work involves attempting to extend Foley's scheme to
the parametric setting. Modifying this scheme
requires the formulation of an extension to the
standard rational blend technique. In addition to
blending interior control points, boundary control
points must also be blended to incorporate Foley's
cross boundary construction, which relies on the
natural parameterization of the functional setting.
When interpolating irregularly scattered data and when
increasing the tessellation of the data mesh, the new
scheme shows improvement over representative parametric
data fitting schemes. The quality of the resulting
surfaces depended largely on the correlation between
the normals and the triangles of the underlying mesh.
10. Lab Cleanup (until 14:30 or 5 minutes)