Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, April 30th, 1997
DC 1304
Dan Milgram
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
Coffee hour this week:
Celine Latulipe
Coffee hour next week:
Matthew Davidchuk
3. Next meeting
May 7th, 1997
DC 1304
Liddy Olds
Technical presentation:
Marryat Ma
4. Forthcoming
Mark Riddell (5/14)
Navid Sadikali (5/21)
Clara Tsang (5/28)
Tech Presenters:
Marryat Ma (5/7)
Dan Milgram (5/14)
Liddy Olds (5/21)
5. Technical Presentation
Ashraf Michail
Rendering Scenes with High Dynamic Ranges
Rendering systems typically produce images that have large intensity
ranges although the target display device often has a significantly
smaller range. Traditionally, the computed intensity values have
mapped onto the target device range by using ad hoc scaling functions.
I will discuss some other approaches including the constraint-based
rendering system which I am currently working on.
6.General Discussion Items
7. Action List
Alias Brown Bag Seminar Series
Ivan Sutherland Visit
CGL Photo
8. Director's Meeting
9. Seminars
Master's Thesis Presentation - Profiling User Level Threads
Robert Denda, graduate student, Wirtschaftsinformatik" at the
University of Mannheim, Germany, speak on
``Profiling User-Level Threads''.
Thursday, May 1, 1997
10:00-11:00 a.m.
DC 1304
The larger and more complex a program becomes,
the greater the need to understand its dynamic behaviour, both
to locate problems and to optimize performance.
One of the most important tools for locating dynamic
problems and performance bottlenecks is a profiler. A profiler
monitors a program's dynamic behaviour and reveals
information about the program's execution, possibly
at multiple levels of abstraction.
For example, one essential step in performance optimization is to
detect a program's "hot spots" for potential optimization.
Detecting these spots is usually non-trivial and
time consuming without appropriate
performance tools.
Concurrency adds substantially to the complexity of a program.
Profiling concurrent programs entails many problems not
present in sequential programs, such as thread communication
and access to shared resources. A profiler has to deal
with these multiple executing threads of control all
potentially introducing errors and performance problems.
In this talk, I will discuss the important aspects and problems of
profiling, and present an implementation of a prototype profiler for the
uC++ thread-library, which provides multiple performance metrics
on a per thread basis in a shared-memory concurrent environment.
10. Lab Cleanup (until 14:30 or 5 minutes)