CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, February 5th, 1997

Valid HTML
DC 1304
1:30 PM
Peter Harwood

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Iain Little
Coffee hour next week:
To be determined

3. Next meeting

February 12th, 1997
DC 1304
1:30 PM
Gilles Khouzam
Technical presentation:
Pete Harwood

4. Forthcoming

  1. Gilles Khouzam
  2. Rick Knowles
  3. Rob Kroeger
Tech Presenters:
  1. Pete Harwood
  2. Gilles Khouzam
  3. Rick Knowles

5. Technical Presentation

Mike Hammond
Gestural Interface and American Sign Language
According to Mike, this is not an abstract:
I'm investigating issues that may need to be dealt with in the development of gesture-based interfaces by examining an existing manual language: American Sign Language (ASL). ASL, it turns out, is much more than a ``manual'' language; spatial orientation and movement of handshapes, facial expression, and `body language' modify meaning and add syntax, such as interrogatives or verb tense. My basic argument will be that since existing manual languages require this overlay of several sources in order to convey semantics, a similar ``language'' may be needed for gestural interfaces.

6. General Discussion Items

In case you haven't read uw.cgl lately:
    Robyn Landers is planning to upgrade physeter on Thursday and Friday this week. These days are not quite definite, but the physeter will be down during the upgrade. If this would cause you a major problem, let Robyn or Steve Mann know ASAP and the upgrade can be postponed until next week. Steve will post to uw.cgl again if the upgrade (and downtime) is postponed.

7. Action List

  1. U of T visit
  2. Alias visit

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars

                        Introduction to Debugging
                               Alex Brodsky

 Debugging  is more  an art  than a  science.   Knowing  how to debug  your
code will reduce the  time you spend on assignments as well  as your stress.
This talk will discuss ways of reducing the  amount of debugging you have to
do.  Debugging techniques will be presented which will make your bug hunting
easier, less frustrating and more efficient.

                       Wednesday, February 5, 1997
                                 MC 4041

                   Tea and dognuts will be served.

	Friday, February 7, 1997
          Essay Presentation
          "On approximation of gradients and curvatures for
          data specified on triangular meshes"
          Tin Van Nguyen, CS Graduate Student, University of Waterloo
          11:00 a.m.; DC1304

10. Lab Cleanup (until 12:30 or 5 minutes)