CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, December 11th, 1996

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DC 1304
11:30 AM
Matthew Davidchuk

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
To be determined
Coffee hour next week:
To be determined

3. Next meeting

December 18th, 1996
DC 1304
11:30 AM
Chris Davies
Technical presentation:
Matthew Davidchuk

4. Forthcoming

  1. Ed Dengler
  2. Glen Evens
  3. Pat Gilhuly
Tech Presenters:
  1. Chris Davies
  2. Ed Dengler
  3. Glen Evans

5. Technical Presentation

Itai Danan
Unknown at this time
Unknown at this time

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

  1. Navid Sadikali and Richard Bartels:
    UofT visit in April
  2. CSGSA is inviting speakers

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars


                    -Wednesday, December 11, 1996

Scott  D.  Taylor,  graduate student, Dept. Comp. Sci.,
Univ.  Waterloo,  will  speak  on ``Distributed Systems
Management Architectures.''

TIME:                2:30-3:30 p.m.

ROOM:                DC 1304


As  the  size  and  number of distributed computing and
telecommunications systems increase, it becomes evident
that  the  key  to  efficient  and  reliable  operating
environments  depends  on  our  ability  to monitor and
control  devices, services and applications. While some
monitoring   of   systems   is   conducted   today  for
distributed  systems, an integrated approach is needed.
A  necessary  condition for an integrated management is
that  components  to  be  managed  in  a  heterogeneous
environment  should  provide  information  which may be
interpreted  in  a manufacturer-independent manner, and
this  information should be accessible via well-defined
interfaces    and    protocols.    In    other   words,
manufacturer-independent  integrated management is only
possible  on  the  basis  of  recognized  standards.  A
framework  for  standards of relevance to management is
called a management architecture. This essay presents a
generic  model  of  today's  management  architectures.
Several  management  architectures are then examined in
relation to this model.


                    -Monday, December 16, 1996

Yan  Xu,  graduate  student,  Dept.  Comp.  Sci., Univ.
Waterloo,  will  speak  on  "ADVs  in  the design of an
e-mail system".

TIME:                1:00-2:00 p.m.

ROOM:                DC 1304


Many   software   systems   are  complex,  composed  of
different components that either interact with external
influences   such as users or interact with each other.
One problem using common software design approaches  is
the  tight   coupling   of  module   definitions   that
significantly   complicates  software  development  and
evolution, and prevents reuse.

The  Abstract  Design View (ADV) model eases the design
and  evolution   of  software   systems   by addressing
separation   of   concern   issues   -  the  systematic
discovery   and   expliotation   of   the  distinctions
between  components.    The  ADV  design   approach  is
based   on  the ADV  model  and incorporates the object
oriented   design  concept.   Proving  the  ADV  design
approach is a non-trivial task.

In  this   talk   the  feasibility  of the  ADV  design
approach   will   be presented with the emphasis on its
formalism,  reusability  and strategies of   systematic
translation     from    design   specifications    into


                    -Tuesday, December 17, 1996

Christian  Jaekl,  graduate  student, Dept. Comp. Sci.,
Univ.   Waterloo,   will   speak  on  ``Event-Predicate
Detection    in    the    Debugging    of   Distributed

TIME:                11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon

ROOM:                DC 1331


Trends  in  the  development  of  computer hardware are
making  the  use  of  distributed  systems increasingly
attractive.  The collection of event-trace data and the
construction  of  process-time  diagrams  can provide a
useful  visualization  tool.  In  practical situations,
however, these diagrams are too large for users to find
them  comprehensible.  The ability to detect and locate
arbitrary  (complex)  predicates  within an event trace
can help to alleviate this problem.

This  thesis enumerates five classes of problems that a
successful  event-detection  strategy should be able to
identify:     phase    transitions,    mutual-exclusion
violations,  subroutines,  communication  symmetry, and
performance  bottlenecks. Some previous efforts in this
area  offer  an  expressivity  which  is  close to that
required  to  meet  these goals, but are hampered by an
insufficient  understanding  of the partial order which
underlies  causality  in a distributed-execution trace.
This    work   defines   a   partial-order   precedence
relationship  for  compound  events,  and  extends  two
timestamping algorithms to support it.

A  new  syntax  for  event-predicate  definition, which
comes closer to fulfilling the aforementioned framework
than   any  of  the  previous  efforts,  is  presented.
Finally, a prototypical implementation, within Taylor's
Partial-Order Event Tracer (POET), is described, issues
encountered  during its construction are discussed, and
its performance is evaluated.

10. Lab Cleanup (until 12:30 or 5 minutes)