CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, November 13th, 1996

Valid HTML
DC 2303 (Lab)
11:30 AM
Wilkin Chau

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
To be determined
Coffee hour next week:
To be determined

3. Next meeting

November 20th, 1996
DC 1304
11:30 AM
Balasingham Balakumaran
Technical presentation:
Richard Bartels

4. Forthcoming

  1. Bill Cowan
  2. Itai Danan
  3. Matthew Davidchuk
Tech Presenters:
  1. Balasingham Balakumaran
  2. Bill Cowan
  3. Itai Danan

5. Technical Presentation

Wilkin Chau
Gamut mapping in Reflectance Space
The gamut mappings for the colours specified in reflectance coordinates are studied. This talk is about a mapping algorithm based on the fundamental component of the reflectance, and shows that this method consistently conserves colour sensation better than simple projective mappings.

6. General Discussion Items

  1. Empty

7. Action List

  1. Navid Sadikali and Richard Bartels:
    UofT visit in April

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars

                Light, the Universe and Parallel Radiosity
                               Alex Brodsky

 Ray tracing has been  used extensively to create rather spectacular if not
realistic images.  Unfortunately ray tracing does not work well with diffuse
environments.   The  radiosity algorithm  overcomes this  limitation but  is
computationally expensive.   One approach to improving the  performance of a
radiosity algorithm is to run it in  parallel on machines like the CRAY-T3D.
Inthis talk  I will discuss the progressive  refinement radiosity algorithm
and a possible parallelization of the algorithm which I implemented while at
the Edinburgh Parallel Computer Centre.

                       Wednesday, November 13, 1996

                             All are welcome.
                   Doughnaughts and tea will be served.

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                       A Student Chapter of the ACM

10. Lab Cleanup (until 12:30 or 5 minutes)