CGLMeeting Agenda

Wednesday, August 14th, 1996

DC 1304
1:30 PM
Gilles Khouzam

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Any volunteers?
Coffee hour next week:
Any volunteers?

3. Next meeting

August 21st, 1996
DC 1304
1:30 PM
Rick Knowles
Technical presentation:
Fabrice Jaubert (possibly)

4. Forthcoming

  1. John Kominek
  2. Rob Kroeger
  3. Nathan Like
  4. Ian Little (if back)
Tech Presenters:
  1. Rick Kazman
  2. Rick Knowles
  3. John Kominek
  4. Rob Kroeger

5. Technical Presentation

Peter Harwood
Title: Developing a Test for Circularity
In this talk, I will be discussing the development of a method for determining the circularity of an image segment. This method is based on the theory of moments. I will start off with some of the basics of this theory, show how it extends to image processing, and give a short derivation of the circularity test.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars

University  of Waterloo will speak on ``Single Stepping
in    Event   Visualisation   Tools   for   Distributed

TIME:                2:30-3:30 p.m.

ROOM:                DC 1331


Debugging  distributed  applications is a difficult but
essential task. Event visualisation tools simplify this
effort  by  providing  a  graphical view of distributed
executions.   Although   such   tools  help  understand
distributed    applications,    they   are   frequently
insufficient  for full debugging purposes. The need for
traditional  debugging  operations  is often overlooked
when building event visualisation tools.

One  of  the  most  useful  operations  in  traditional
debuggers  is  single  stepping.   Such an operation is
available   in   parallel  debuggers  but  only  on  an
individual-process  basis.  The difficulties faced when
dealing with partially ordered executions have deterred
the  development  of  a  single  stepping facility that
deals with multiple processes at once.

In  this  presentation  I will describe the theoretical
foundations  of  such  a  facility  as applied to event
visualisation   tools.    These   tools   commonly  use
abstraction techniques to reduce the often overwhelming
amount  of  detail  presented  to the user.  As process
clusters  and  abstract  events form the basic building
blocks  for  abstract visualisation, single stepping in
their presence will also be detailed.



                    -Thursday, August 15, 1996

Erik Demaine, graduate student, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ.
Waterloo, will speak on ``Simulation of Message-Passing
in Distributed-Memory Architectures''.

TIME:                2:30-3:30 p.m.

ROOM:                DC 1331


This  talk discusses my work on a project called PUPPET
(Performance  Under a Pseudo-Parallel EnvironmenT).  It
allows  the  evaluation of parallel-program performance
using  only a pseudo-parallel (or non-parallel) system.
That  is,  researchers  can  use  their workstations to
develop  and  test  their message-passing applications,
and  project the performance results to a real parallel
computer.   Similarly,  universities can offer parallel
programming     courses    without    using    valuable
supercomputing resources.

I will overview previous work in the area of simulating
parallel computers.  The rest of the talk will focus on
new contributions to the area, including an approximate
network  model, support for collective and non-blocking
communication, and simulation of multitasking.

10. Lab Cleanup (until 2:30 or 5 minutes)