CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, June 19th, 1996

Graphics Lab
1:30 PM
William Cowan

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Any volunteers?
Coffee hour next week:
Any volunteers?

3. Next meeting

June 26, 1996
DC 1304
1:30 PM
Matthew Davidchuk
Technical presentation:
Josh Cameron

4. Forthcoming

  1. Ed Dengler
  2. Saar Friedman
  3. Ryan Gunther
Tech Presenters:
  1. Stewart Chao
  2. Wilkin Chau
  3. Bill Cowan

5. Technical Presentation

Leith Chan
User Interface for Surface Pasting
By using a procedure known as pasting, detailed features are added to composite spline surfaces in a multi-layered fashion by means of an efficient displacement scheme. The feature orientation is arbitrary, and the underlying domains may be partially overlapping and non-linearly transformed. As a result, this technique allows us to model surfaces by interactively changing displacements, control vertices, or the domain layout. In this presentation, I'll talk about the user interface for surface pasting, with focus on two techniques: domain user interface and world space user interface.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars

	               Pure Math Applied Math 
	           Combinatrics & Optimization Club 
	                Summer Lecture Series

	     Dr. John Baker of the Pure Math Department

	     Functional Equations and the New World Order


	A real function f is said to be additive provided it 
	satisfies the "Cauchy Functional equation:

	       f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y) for all real x and y. 

	This historical discourse mainly concerns additive 
	functions with emphasis on the seminal contributions of 
	Cauchy, Darboux, Hamel, Frechet and Steinhaus. 

	           THURSDAY JUNE 20 3:30 PM MC 4040 
	            refreshments will be served.. 

10. Lab Cleanup (until 2:30 or 5 minutes)