CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, June 12th, 1996

DC 1304
1:30 PM
Wilkin Chau

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Any volunteers?
Coffee hour next week:
Any volunteers?

3. Next meeting

June 19, 1996
DC 1304
1:30 PM
Bill Cowan
Technical presentation:
Leith Chan

4. Forthcoming

  1. Matthew Davidchuk
  2. Ed Dengler
  3. Saar Friedman
  4. Ryan Gunther
Tech Presenters:
  1. Josh Cameron
  2. Stewart Chao
  3. Wilkin Chau
  4. Bill Cowan

5. Technical Presentation

Richard Bartels
Hierarchical B-Spline Surface Fitting
A survery will be presented of the nature of a hierarchical B-spline and two uses of its properties for surface fitting. One use provides for the decomposition of the fitting problem into subproblems that concentrate on surface features. The other provides a regularization of such a fitting to permit subsequent, multi-level editing and animation.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars



                    -Wednesday, June 12, 1996

Gord Vreugdenhil, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo will
speak  on  ``Abstract  Interpretation  as  a  Tool  for
Information Discovery''.

TIME:                3:30-4:30 p.m.

ROOM:                DC 1331


The  normal  goal  when  interpreting  a  program is to
perform  the  actions  required by the semantics of the
source  language.  Abstract interpretation replaces the
normal  semantics  with alternate semantics in order to
discover  information  regarding  some  aspect  of  the
source  program.  Such interpretations can be performed
even  when  only partial information is available about
the  inputs  to  the  program.   In  this  talk we will
briefly   review  the  basic  foundations  of  abstract
interpretation    and   then   discuss   a   particular
interpretive  algorithm that can be used as a framework
for   many  types  of  abstract  interpretations.   The
interpretive   algorithm   can  be  used  to  determine
``soft-type'' information and also forms the basis of a
class   of  program  transformation  techniques  called
``partial evaluation''.

DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S THESIS PRESENTATION - Thursday, June 13, 1996 Yanni Ellen Liu, graduate student, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo, will speak on "Performance Measurements of Thread Packages in Support of Distributed Multimedia Applications". TIME: 1:30-2:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1331 ABSTRACT This thesis addresses the operating system support for multimedia applications in distributed systems, with the emphasis on adapting general-purpose operating systems to support distributed multimedia applications by multi-threading. We examine the off-the-shelf thread packages, as well as a thread package that was developed at University of British Columbia, called Real Time Threads (RTT). This thread package was implemented on UNIX, and has been used by the CITR (Canadian Institute for Telecommunications Research) Broadband Services major project to provide supporting services in a distributed news-on-demand application. We have implemented RTT on OS/2, a general-purpose operating system for personal computers. The performance is analyzed by designing and implementing a suite of measurement tests. The results are analyzed and compared with the RTT implementation on UNIX. Many issues related to implementing user-level thread packages, evaluating the performance of thread packages, and designing a real time kernel to support distributed multimedia applications are identified and studied.
CS Colloquium Series Computer Science Department University of Waterloo Type Polymorphism for Object-Oriented and Distributed Programming By: Dominic Duggan Of: Department of Computer Science University of Waterloo Date: Tuesday, June 18, 1996 Time: 4:00 P.M. Place: Davis Center, Room 1304 Abstract: The last ten years have seen exciting work on new type systems for programming languages. One of the key new concepts is "type polymorphism," and its combination with subtyping and inheritance in object-oriented languages. Type polymorphism is currently the main consideration for extending the Java language and virtual machine. I will describe some of the work I am doing in type polymorphism. This work includes a new static type system for object-oriented languages with type polymorphism. This is the only type system to provide objects with polymorphic methods. I will also describe an approach I have developed to providing type-safe user-definable marshalling for distributed polymorphic languages. The approach is based on run-time types in polymorphic languages. The target implementation language for these extensions is a new distributed programming language, designed as an extension to Standard ML. Time permitting, I will discuss other work in this new language (including implementation). No prior knowledge is assumed of type polymorphism, marshalling, ML or even Java. A minimal knowledge of objects, as in Modula-3 or C++, is assumed. Biography A native of Dublin, Ireland, Dr Duggan obtained his PhD from the University of Maryland, College Park. His accent appears to have been a casualty of this experience. His research interests are in programming languages, programming environments and software engineering. His work has appeared in several journals. His most recent focus has been in the design and implementation of object-oriented and distributed programming languages, and in programming-in-the-large. Everyone is welcome

10. Lab Cleanup (until 2:30 or 5 minutes)