CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, June 5th, 1996

DC 1304
1:30 PM
Stewart Chao

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Any volunteers?
Coffee hour next week:
Any volunteers?

3. Next meeting

June 12, 1996
DC 1304
1:30 PM
Wilking Chau
Technical presentation:
Richard Bartels

4. Forthcoming

  1. Bill Cowan
  2. Matthew Davidchuk
  3. Ed Dengler
  4. Saar Friedman
Tech Presenters:
  1. Leith Chan
  2. Josh Cameron
  3. Stewart Chao
  4. Wilkin Chau

5. Technical Presentation

Balasingham Balakumaran
N-Step Incremental Straight Line Algorithm
The problem of digitizing a line into a uniform grid has many solutions. Bresenham's algorithm uses only integer arithmetic and generates one pixel per inner loop. There are many acceleration techniques for it. The straight line algorithm described here is based on Bresenham's single-step algorithm but it improves pixel-generation efficiency by generating four pixels per loop. Bresenham's straight-line algorithm is the first in a family of N-step algorithms. In addition to illustrating the form of these algorithms for (N = 4), a technique for generating other members of the family is also described.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars

                   The University of Waterloo
                      200 University Avenue
                        Waterloo, Ontario

              The Institute for Computer Research

                      Presents a Seminar on
"Software Reliability Measurement Based on Processing of Failure Data"

by:     Dr. Karama Kanoun
of:     Laboratoire d'Analyse et d'Architecture des Systemes
        Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique
        Toulouse, France

Date:   Thursday, June 13, 1996
Time:   1:30 p.m.
Place:  William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1304


Software reliability studies have long been limited to the appli-
cation  of reliability growth models to failure data collected on
the software under study.  The validity of the  results  obtained
is  usually  unpredictable:   they may be good for some models or
disappointing for all of them.  This unpredictability  has  urged
us to develop a method -- based on the processing of failure data
-- that helps reliability growth models give good  results  in  a
controlled  manner.   The  goal  of  the  talk is to present this
method, which is based on the combined use  of  descriptive  ana-
lyses,  trend  analyses and reliability models to control testing
activities, evaluate software reliability and  plan  maintenance.
Ultimately,  the  aim is, when used in real-time in parallel with
the development, to help manage the  development  activities  and
predict  software reliability.  The different steps involved will
be described and emphasis will be laid  on  their  aims  and  the
results  that  can  be  expected from each step.  This method has
successfully helped analyze the software reliability  of  several
real-life  systems.   However  there are still some limits in the
current state of art that have to be overcome to allow  efficient
application  of  software  evaluation  in the development.  These
limits will be discussed.  The application of the method present-
ed  to  a  real  software  system  will  show the adequacy of the
results obtained.

Everyone is welcome.  Refreshments served.

************************************************** Pure Math Applied Math Combinatorics & Optimization Club Summer Lecture Series *************************************************** TROY VASIGA ----------------------------------- Cryptography: Then and Now ------------------------------------ Abstract: Cryptography, the art and science of making and breaking secure messages, has been part of humanity since the time of Caesar. With increasing information exchange on the Internet, and storage capabilities of "smart-cards" growing exponentially, the security of information is becoming as important as the information itself. This talk will briefly overview the history of cryptography and as well as discuss the current state of the field, with many practical and interesting examples discussed. THURSDAY JUNE 6 4:30 PM MC 4040 refreshments will be served..
CS Colloquium Series Computer Science Department University of Waterloo Type Polymorphism for Object-Oriented and Distributed Programming By: Dominic Duggan Of: Department of Computer Science University of Waterloo Date: Tuesday, June 18, 1996 Time: 4:00 P.M. Place: Davis Center, Room 1304 Abstract: The last ten years have seen exciting work on new type systems for programming languages. One of the key new concepts is "type polymorphism," and its combination with subtyping and inheritance in object-oriented languages. Type polymorphism is currently the main consideration for extending the Java language and virtual machine. I will describe some of the work I am doing in type polymorphism. This work includes a new static type system for object-oriented languages with type polymorphism. This is the only type system to provide objects with polymorphic methods. I will also describe an approach I have developed to providing type-safe user-definable marshalling for distributed polymorphic languages. The approach is based on run-time types in polymorphic languages. The target implementation language for these extensions is a new distributed programming language, designed as an extension to Standard ML. Time permitting, I will discuss other work in this new language (including implementation). No prior knowledge is assumed of type polymorphism, marshalling, ML or even Java. A minimal knowledge of objects, as in Modula-3 or C++, is assumed. Biography A native of Dublin, Ireland, Dr Duggan obtained his PhD from the University of Maryland, College Park. His accent appears to have been a casualty of this experience. His research interests are in programming languages, programming environments and software engineering. His work has appeared in several journals. His most recent focus has been in the design and implementation of object-oriented and distributed programming languages, and in programming-in-the-large. Everyone is welcome

10. Lab Cleanup (until 2:30 or 5 minutes)