- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Chair:
- Navid Sadikali
1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions
2. Coffee Hour
- Coffee hour this week:
- Ed Dengler
- Coffee hour next week:
- Any volunteers?
3. Next meeting
- Date:
- May 8, 1996
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Chair:
- Balasingham Balakumaran
- Technical presentation:
Mike McCool
4. Forthcoming
- Chairs:
- Richard Bartels
- John Beatty
- Leith Chan
- Tech Presenters:
- Thomas Pflaum
- Randall Reid
- Navid Sadikali
5. Technical Presentation
- Presenter:
Dan Milgram
- Title:
- Iris Performer
- Abstract:
Iris Performer is a toolkit used primarily for visual
simulation, virtual reality, as well as other real-time
graphics applications. It's use is intended for high-end
graphics workstations which have multiple CPUs. This
talk will provide an overview of the various features of
Performer and briefly explain how these features can be
6. General Discussion Items
Please be reminded that lab meetings from now until
August 31 will start at 1:30.
Any lab member who has a key is entitled to a lab duty. Please
review the list of lab duties and email your request to me by
Monday morning. Fabrice and I will review the requests and prepare
a new list for next Wednesday's lab meeting.
Please direct any questions regarding lab duties to Fabrice
or myself.
Please also remember that until the new duties are assigned,
you still own the lab duty you presently have.
7. Action List
8. Director's Meeting
9. Seminars
-Wednesday, May 1, 1996
Ivan Yu, graduate student, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ.
Waterloo, will speak on ``Integrating Event
Visualization and Sequential Debugging''.
TIME: 2:30-3:30 p.m.
ROOM: DC 1331
Understanding the behavior of a distributed program
involves understanding the interactions between the
processes. An event visualizer showing such
interactions can be a very useful debugging tool for
distributed programs.
Many distributed debuggers assume that the programmer
has a sequential debugger to deal with bugs local to
one process. There is, however, little technical
literature covering the interface between a distributed
debugger and a sequential debugger. In many cases, the
programmer does not know whether a failure is caused by
an internal bug or an interaction bug. Thus, it is
useful to develop an interface between distributed and
sequential debuggers so that sequential-debugging
facilities are available in conjunction with the
higher-level event visualization.
This presentation will address the various design
issues and problems that may arise when implementing a
linkage between an event visualizer and a sequential
-Thursday, May 2, 1996
Josyula Ramachandra RAO, IBM T.J.Watson Research
Center, will speak on ``Tools and techniques for
programming distributed systems''.
TIME: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
ROOM: DC 1302
The first part of this talk will describe Concert/C, a
language for programming distributed applications on a
heterogeneous set of machines. The language extends
ANSI C by providing primitives for process management
and inter-process communication. The design of the
language has been motivated by the twin goals of
accommodating legacies (in code, tools and programmer
skills) and accomodating heterogeneity (in machine
architectures, operating systems and communication
protocols) while hiding complexity from the programmer.
I will give an overview of Concert/C and describe the
design and implementation of the compiler and runtime.
The second half of the talk will focus on tools used to
debug distributed applications written using middleware
technologies such as Concert/C. We have prototyped a
distributed debugger that supports the debugging of
multi--threaded, multi--process, multi--language
applications that use multiple middlewares while
executing in a heterogeneous distributed environment.
We describe the salient and interesting features of the
debugger's architecture and functionality.
The talk will conclude with some introspective comments
and suggestions for future research.
Wednesday, May 8, 1996
Friends of the Library Public Talk
``Exposing Text: How questions for the Oxford English
Dictionary (OED) lead to answers for the WWW''
Frank Tompa, Chair, Computer Science, University of Waterloo
12:00 noon; Theatre of the Arts, Modern Language Building
10. Lab Cleanup (until 1:30 or 5 minutes)