CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, April 3, 1996

CGL Lab: DC2303
12:30 PM
Michael McCool

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
any volunteers?
Coffee hour next week:
any volunteers?

3. Next meeting

April 10, 1996
DC 1304
12:30 PM
Lounge Lizard:
Dan Milgram
Technical presentation:
Steve Mann

4. Forthcoming

  1. Thomas Pflaum
  2. Randall Reid
  3. Navid Sadikali
Tech Presenters:
  1. Mike McCool
  2. Dan Milgram
  3. Thomas Pflaum

5. Technical Presentation

Iain Little
Browsing and Querying in a Multimedia Retrieval Task
Presenting the results of an experiment run in order to determine whether browsing, querying, or a combination of browsing and querying is most useful for the retrieval and utilization of information from a temporally ordered database. The experiment was conducted using a low fidelity prototype and an extensive set of heuristic evaluations. It was determined that browsing alone improves users accuracy in recollection yet is time consuming in some cases. The use of querying alone improves users accuracy in recollection, yet wastes time due to lack of context. The combination of browsing and querying improves accuracy as in the two previous cases and shows significant benefits in speed.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars


                    -Thursday, April 11, 1996

Tuomas  Sandholm, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ. Massachusetts
at    Amherst,   will speak   on   ``Negotiation   among
Computationally Limited Self-Interested Agents''.

TIME:                11:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

ROOM:                DC 1302


In   multiagent   systems,  computational  agents  make
contracts on behalf of the real world parties that they
represent.  The  significance of such systems is likely
to   increase   due  to  the  developing  communication
infrastructure,  the advent of electronic commerce, and
the  industrial  trend  toward outsourcing. My research
normatively  analyses  such  negotiations  among agents
that  try  to  maximize  payoff without concern for the
global  good.  The  most advanced normative theoretical
tools  available  are  game theoretic. However, in game
theory  full  rationality  of  the  agents  is  usually
assumed.  My work extends these normative approaches to
settings  in  which  computational limitations restrict
each    agent's   rationality   because   combinatorial
complexity  precludes  enumerating  and  evaluating all
possible outcomes.

Within   the   subfield  of  automated  contracting,  I
extended  the  contract  net  framework  to  work among
self-interested   agents.  The  original  contract  net
lacked  a  formal model for making bidding and awarding
decisions,  while in my TRACONET system these decisions
are based on marginal cost calculations. I developed an
iterative  scheme  for  anytime task reallocation where
agents  pay  each other for handling tasks. I uncovered
and  solved  problems  regarding  contracting while old
bids  are  pending.  I  constructed  three new contract
operators  and  proved  that  they  are  necessary  and
sufficient   for   reaching  a  globally  optimal  task
allocation  in  a  finite  number  of contracts. I also
proved  that  a leveled commitment contracting protocol
enables  contracts  that  are  impossible via classical
full commitment contracts. In addition, it enhances the
efficiency  of contracts when full commitment contracts
are possible. Finally, I identified and solved problems
of   distributed  asynchronous  implementation.
Within  coalition  formation,  I  developed a normative
theory     that     states     which    self-interested
computationally  limited  agents should form coalitions
and   which  coalition  structures  are  stable.  These
prescriptions depend on the performance profiles of the
agents'   problem   solving   algorithms,   and  differ
significantly  from those for fully rational agents. My
theory   includes  an  application  independent  domain
classification   with   bounded  rational  agents,  and
relates  it  to  two traditional domain classifications
with fully rational agents.

Within  contract execution, unenforced exchange methods
are   desirable   among  computational  agents  because
litigation  is  difficult.  I  developed  such a method
based  on  splitting  the exchange into chunks that are
delivered  one  at  a  time.  I  developed two chunking
algorithms  as  well as a nontrivial sound and complete
quadratic  chunk  sequencing  algorithm. I also derived
the  optimal  stable  strategies  for  carrying out the
exchange. Finally, I analyzed the role of real-time and
developed  deadline  methods  that  do  not  themselves
require enforcement.

I  evaluated  these  domain  independent  methods on an
NP-complete  distributed  vehicle  routing problem with
large-scale  instances  collected  from five real-world
dispatch  centers.  My  methods resulted in significant
transportation  cost  savings  on  this  problem  where
classical  game  theoretic  techniques are inapplicable
due to intractability.


                    -Monday, April 8, 1996

Darrell  Raymond, University of Western Ontario, will
speak on ``Using Partial Orders to Manage Software''.

TIME:                11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

ROOM:                DC 1302


Programmers have long relied on tools like make and RCS
to  assist  in managing medium-sized software projects.
The  usefulness  of  these  tools is compromised by the
idiosyncracies  and  gratuitous  differences  of  their
various  implementations.  What is lacking is a general
model  of  the  process  of  building,  versioning, and
configuring  software.  Such  a  model could serve as a
benchmark  for  comparing  software  tools,  and  would
provide  a  language  with  which to describe semantics
independently  of  implementations.   In  this  talk  I
present  the  beginnings  of  such a model, based on an
algebra  for partial orders.  We will see that building
programs  can  be usefully expressed algebraically, and
that such expressions suggest more general and fruitful
approaches to the problem of managing software.

10. Speech from the Mat

Logging off workstations when not in use

11. Lab Cleanup (Thomas) (until 1:30 or 5 minutes)