CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, February 21, 1996

DC 1304
12:30 PM
Rick Kazman

1. Adoption of the Agenda - additions or deletions

2. Coffee Hour

Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

3. Next meeting

February 28, 1996
DC 1304
12:30 PM
Gilles Khouzam
Technical presentation:
Ryan Gunther

4. Forthcoming

  1. John Kominek
  2. Rob Kroeger
  3. Iain Little
Tech Presenters:
  1. Fabrice Jaubert
  2. Rick Kazman
  3. Gilles Khouzam

5. Technical Presentations

Saar Friedman
Title: Visualization application builders
Visualization is the process of extracting information from data via graphical representation. Currently the best commonly availabe, general purpose vis. systems are application builders based on the dataflow model. I'll give a brief introduction to these using AVS as an example, and then move to talk about some shortcomings and possible solutions/improvements.

6. General Discussion Items

7. Action List

8. Director's Meeting

9. Seminars

CSC Talk

                       Wednesday, 21 February, 1996
                                 MC 4060

                CORBA: A Standard for Distributed Objects
                               Mike McCool

Distributed objects under  CORBA are object-oriented "components" that are
language and  location  independent.   They  are an  abstraction that  hides
the network  layer, so  applications can  be written  using a  collection of
distributed objects as if they were all local objects.

CORBA is a standard  which allows the abstract definition of the interface
to an  object to  be mapped  into multiple  languages, and  which defines  a
set of  runtime services  that provide  location independence,  persistence,
locking, naming, introspection, and so forth.

In  this talk,  I will  outline the basic  concepts in  CORBA, and  give a
small example of its use.



                    -Thursday, Feb. 22, 1996

Charles   Clarke,   Dept.   Comp.  Sci.,  University  of
Waterloo, will speak on ``An Algebra for Structure Text

TIME:                4:00-5:00 p.m.
ROOM:                DC 1302


Under the shortest substring model for text search, the
solutions  to a user's query are the shortest intervals
of  the  target text that satisfy the query conditions.
This  talk  describes  the  application  of this search
model  to  structured text databases, relevance ranking
of  documents  for  information  retrieval, and pattern
matching in flat text.

Structured  text  search  is  based  on  an algebra for
combining and manipulating sets of text intervals.  The
algebra  includes  operators for expressing containment
relationships,  ordering  relationships and combination
relationships.   The  algebra  has  been implemented as
part  of  a distributed structured text database system
developed  at the University of Waterloo.  The database
permits storage and search of documents in a mixture of
formats,  including  documents  formatted under SGML or
HTML,  and  less  formally structured documents such as
netnews  articles or email messages.  Properties of the
algebra  provide  a  novel  and efficient technique for
ranking  the  results of a query by likely relevance to
the  user.   In  practice,  this technique has compared
favorably   with   standard  techniques  for  relevance
ranking.   Finally,  we look briefly at the application
of  the shortest substring model to searching flat text
files  with  a  regular-expression-based version of the
search algebra.



                    -Tuesday, February 27, 1996

David   Lorge  Parnas,  Software  Engineering  Research
Group,    Department   of   Electrical   and   Computer
Engineering,  McMaster  University,  Hamilton, Ontario,
Canada  L8S  4K1, will speak ``Software Engineering: An
Unconsummated Marriage''.

TIME:                4:00-5:00 p.m.
ROOM:                DC 1302


Although  the  first  of  many conferences on "Software
Engineering"  was  held  in Munich nearly three decades
ago, communication between those who study software and
those  who  work  as  Engineers has not been effective.
Today, the majority of Engineers understand very little
of  the  "science  of programming".  On the other side,
the  scientists  who  study programming understand very
little  about  what  it means to be an Engineer, why we
have   such   a   profession,  how  the  profession  is
organised,   and  what  Engineers  learn  during  their
education.   In spite of this mutual ignorance, today's
Engineers  spend  much  of their time writing and using
software, and an increasing number of people trained in
Computer Science or Mathematics pontificate about "what
Engineers do".

This  talk  attempts to explain each field to the other
and to suggest why and how the two groups must learn to
work    together.    The   educational   and   societal
implications  of  a  more  interactive marriage will be



                    -Friday, February 23, 1996

Dr.  Marie-Gabrielle  Vallet,  Institut  des  Materiaux
Industriels,  CNRC, Boucherville, Quebec, will speak on
``Anisotropic  Mesh Adaptation, Applications to 2D Flow

TIME:                3:30-4:30 p.m.
ROOM:                DC 1304


The  goal  of  mesh adaptation is to increase the ratio
(accuracydiscretization  based  on  a mesh. It involves
both  an  posteriori  local  error estimator and a mesh
optimization algorithm.

In  the  case of external flow computation, the gain is
significant  because  the computational domain presents
some  large  regions  where  the solution is smooth and
some   small   ones  where  it  has  rapid  variations.
Moreover,  directional  features arise in Computational
Fluid  Dynamics,  typically  shock  waves  and boundary
layers,  which  are  better discretized using stretched
elements.   In order to obtain stretched adapted meshes
the error estimator and the optimization technique must
both be sensitive to anisotropic features.

The  originality  of  the proposed approach is that the
error  is  estimated  along the edges instead of inside
the elements. An adapted mesh is then defined as a mesh
having  nearly  the  same  error on each edge. The mesh
optimizor   performs   successive  local  modifications
tending  to  equally distribute the estimator on edges.
It combines refinement and coarsening with reconnection
and relocation of the nodes.

When  coupled  with  the  adaptive  algorithm,  a fluid
solver   becomes  mesh  independent  because  mesh  and
solution  are  computed  together.  Through  results on
several  steady flow test-cases, it will be demonstrate
that, as far as the mesh is adapted to the solution,

-   absolutely no artificial viscosity is needed if the
    discretization scheme is stable (LBB condition),

-   the  final  solution  does not depend on the scheme
    nor  on  the  method  involved  (Finite  Element or
    Finite Volume).


ICR Seminar

    Parallelism and C++:  Maybe the Unknowns Will Cancel Out

by:     Dr. Gregory V. Wilson, Research Scientist

of:     Center for Advanced Studies
        IBM Canada Ltd.
        North York, Ontario

Date:   Tuesday, March 5, 1996
Time:   2:30  pm.        
Place:	William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1304


C++ is fast becoming the most  widely  used  systems  programming
language.   It  is also starting to be employed by scientists and
engineers for numerical programming.  At the same time, the  most
powerful  high-performance computers are now multiprocessors with
either shared or distributed memory.  While extensions  for  For-
tran programming on such platforms have emerged, there is no con-
sensus on how, or even whether, to extend C++  to  handle  and/or
disguise such things as multiple address spaces, asynchronous ex-
ecution, symmetric multiprocessing, and  communication  topology.
This  talk will compare and contrast the pros and cons of several
different approaches, as exemplified by a variety of current pro-
ducts and research projects.  It will also describe in detail the
way these problems are addressed in ABC++, IBM's  parallel  class
library product.


10. Lab Cleanup (until 1:30 or 5 minutes)