In particular, there has been a rash of hanging / crashing processes lately, from running applications such as netscape, mosaic, xdvi and ghostview.
Please refrain from running anything but the simplest X programs when you are using a VAX X server.
Put Yourself On the Web by Christina Norman Have you ever wanted to be famous? Do you dream of seeing your name in lights? Well, fat chance, but at least you can make a homepage. Soon billions of people all over the web will be enchanted by your course schedule, pictures of your cats, and other fascinating details of your existence. During this tutorial you will be taught the basics of HTML, the language of the World Wide Web. It's really easy, anyone can learn it. You will then create your own personalized web page. Discussion time will also be given to advanced HTML commands, how you can utilize graphics in your homepage, and where you can scan pictures for free. Seating is limited, and preference is given to CSC members (show up early). It's recommended that students know a text editor (such as vi or emacs) and have some experience surfing the web. Non math students should purchase a CSC membership ($2) and sign up for their free unix account, otherwise they will not be able to save the home page they create in the tutorial. Engineering unix accounts can not be accessed from the tutorial. Guest accounts will be available, but your beautiful homepage will be lost forever once the tutorial ends! Wednesday, 25th October, 1995 7:00 pm MC 3006 All are welcome. oo$$$$$ooo o$$$$$oo$$$$$oo o$$"" $$$" o$$"" $$$$$$ ""$$o C O M P U T E R o$$ $$" $$" o$" "$$ $$o $$ $$ $$o $$ $$o $$ S C I E N C E $$o "$$ $$ o$$ $$ $$ $$o "$o $$" o$$ o$$ o$$" C L U B "$$ooo$$$$$$ooo$$" $$$$ooo$$$ A Student Chapter of the ACM