I will discuss "why the Web sucks", and what we can do to make our corner of the Internet a better place to visit.
The Institute for Computer Research (ICR) Presents Microsoft Satellite TV Telecasts Windows 95 Davis Centre Room 1304 University of Waterloo Waterloo, Ontario The Institute for Computer Research (ICR), University of Water- loo, will be a host site for five Microsoft TV telecasts, which are broadcast live via satellite. Three of the telecasts provide product overviews of Microsoft Windows 95; one telecast focuses on Visual Basic, and the final telecast is a keynote address by Bill Gates on the evolution of information technology. Each telecast is one hour in length, and broadcast in Room 1304 of the Davis Centre, University of Waterloo. A more detailed descrip- tion of the telecasts follows. Microsoft Windows 95: Product Issues, Show 1 (Tuesday, October 10, 1995, 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm., Davis Centre Room 1304) What are the top issues affecting users of Windows 95? Microsoft will monitor user feedback to Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS) and provide specific and timely information to address these issues. Users of Windows 95 can provide suggestions for topics they would like addressed in the telecast by emailing MSTV@microsoft.com. DevCast: DevDays Edited (Tuesday, October 24, 1995, 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm., Davis Centre Room 1304) Taken from the live DevDays broadcast on September 12, 1995, this telecast will focus on Visual Basic and how to best approach development on Windows 32 bit (Windows 95 and Windows NT) plat- forms. Microsoft Windows 95: Product Issues, Show 2 (Tuesday, November 14, 1995, 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm., Davis Centre Room 1304) More of the top issues with Windows 95, based on user feedback to Microsoft Product Support Services (PSS). Microsoft will cover issues suggested by users and outline ways to maximize the value of Microsoft Windows 95. Suggestions of issues to be addressed in the telecast can be emailed to MSTV@microsoft.com. Live Keynote: Bill Gates at COMDEX (Tuesday, November 14, 1995, 1:00 pm., to 2:00 pm., Davis Centre Room 1304) See and hear Bill Gates deliver his perspective on where informa- tion technology is evolving to and why. ---REGISTRATION FORM--- Registration if free of charge. Please indicate the telecasts you will be attending. Seating is limited. __ Windows 95 Product Overview __ Windows 95 Product Issues, Show 1 __ DevCast __ Windows 95 Product Issues, Show 2 __ Bill Gates Name: Title: Company/Organization: Address: Telephone: Fax #: Email: To Register Contact: Jean Webster Administrative Manager Institute for Computer Research
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S THESIS PRESENTATION -Tuesday, October 10, 1995 Constantinos Sourelis, graduate student, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo, will speak on Mixin Modules". TIME: 4:00-5:00 p.m. ROOM: DC 3301 ABSTRACT Modern programming languages provide some form of module system for facilitating software structuring and reuse. We propose mixin modules as a new construct for module languages which permits recursive definitions to span module boundaries, allowing significant freedom in the distribution of types and functionality among program units. Mixin modules are proposed specifically for the programming language ML, incorporating recent extensions to its module system. Mixin modules additionally provide a form of inheritance analogous to what is found in Object-Oriented Programming languages.