CGL Meeting Agenda
Wednesday, August 9, 1995
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Chair:
- Fabrice Jaubert
1. Adoption of the agenda - additions/deletions thereto.
2. Coffee Hour and Next Meeting:
- Coffee hour this week:
- ???
- Coffee hour next week:
- ???
- Next Meeting
- Date:
- August 16, 1995
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Location:
- DC 1304
- Chair:
- Rick Kazman
- Tech Presentation:
- Saar Friedman
- Forthcoming: (list next 4 and trades)
- Chairs:
- Nathan Konrad (?)
- Rob Kroeger
- Wayne Liu
- Steve Mann (Sandra Loop?)
- Tech presentations:
- Wolfgang Heidrich
- Fabrice Jaubert
- Rick Kazman
- Nathan Konrad (?)
3. Technical Presentation:
- Presenter:
- Nicolas Durand
- Title:
- Extending the Ray Tracer
- Abstract:
Ray Tracers are cool, and extensions thereto are neat. This really isn't
Nicolas' Abstract, because he didn't send me one (but then I forgot to
ask). So I'm making this up.
4. General Discussion Items:
5. Action List (remember to update AL_active)
- U. of T. visit, September 30 (ask Rob)
6. Directors Meeting:
7. Seminar(s):
The University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue
Waterloo, Ontario
The Institute for Computer Research (ICR)
Presents a Colloquium on
A Multi-Speaker Putonghua (Spoken Chinese) Recognizer
by: Dr. Chorkin Chan
of: Department of Computer Science
Hong Kong University
Hong Kong Island
Date: Wednesday, August 9, 1995
Time: 3:30 pm.
Place: William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302
see uw.talks
- Wednesday, August 16, 1995
James Jianghai Fu, graduate student, Dept. Comp. Sci.,
Univ. of Waterloo will speak on "Directed Graph Pattern
Matching and Topological Embedding".
TIME: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
ROOM: DC 1304
ABSTRACT: see uw.talks
8. Lab Cleanup (till 2:30pm or 5 minutes, whichever is longer)