Title: "The Temporal Network Visualizor: Is truth beauty, or isn't it"In this gripping episode, Eric follows the lead of another prominent lab member in presenting a rehash of his research for the 3rd time. To differentiate from the 2 UofT talks, this presentation includes user test results, and at least one "action-packed" video segment featuring "abstract cameos" of several lab members. The talk concludes with preliminary results and sincere (but dignified) grovelling by the presenter for more test subjects.
I would like to take the Pentium from the experiment room (Monstro) to UWO to perform some experiments there on visually impaired subjects. If there are no conflicts with anybody else, it will be away from this Thursday (18th) until next Tuesday (25th). Thanks, Stephen
An Introduction to Neural Networks by Enrico Au-Yeung Today Today Today Today Today Today Abstract In this talk, I will explain the theory of how a neural network can be used to perform pattern recognition. The focus will be on a type of network called a feed-forward backpropagation network. Enough detail will be given so that after this talk, you will be able to write a program to implement your own network. If time permits, I will also briefly describe other kinds of neural networks. Wednesday, July 19, 1995 4:30 pm MC 4040 Tea and doughnaughts will be served. All are welcome. oo$$$$$ooo o$$$$$oo$$$$$oo o$$"" $$$" o$$"" $$$$$$ ""$$o C O M P U T E R o$$ $$" $$" o$" "$$ $$o $$ $$ $$o $$ $$o $$ S C I E N C E $$o "$$ $$ o$$ $$ $$ $$o "$o $$" o$$ o$$ o$$" C L U B "$$ooo$$$$$$ooo$$" $$$$ooo$$$ A Student Chapter of the ACM