Title: Conversation Style Classification for Computer-Assisted TeleconferencingThe role of computers as a tool for communications is increasing with cheaper hardware and increased bandwidth. One of the potential tools for business is computer-assisted conferencing, where computers are used to form a virtual meeting room and documents can shared and edited by remote participants. We are developing an indexing system based on the audio communication between participants. Part of the indexing system is classifing the type of conversation during a segment of meeting based on the patterns of speech and interaction of the meeting.
Splines and Graphics Seminar
Is there one?
ICR Distinguished Visitor Series.
-Wednesday, June 28, 1995
Dr. Kiyoo Itoh, Central Research Laboratory,Hitachi Ltd.
"Trends in VLSI Memory Technology".
TIME: 2:30 p.m.
ROOM: DC 1302
Trends in VLSI memory technology are reviewed with emphasis on
DRAM technology. First, current topics of 1-Gb DRAM, 4-Mb SRAM
and 32 Mb flash memory are described after memory chip trends are
reviewed. Then, DRAM technology is discussed in terms of the
following three key design issues in sub-$mu$mera.
(following stuff deleted for the sake of brevity. We can move on now).