CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, March 8, 1995

DC 1304
1:30 PM
Andrew Park

1. Adoption of the agenda - additions/deletions thereto.

2. Coffee Hour and Next Meeting:

Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

Next Meeting
March 15, 1995
DC 1304
Glenn Paulley
Tech Presentation:
Jeromy Carriere
Forthcoming: (list next 4 and trades)
Glenn Paulley
Randall Reid
Stephen Mereu
Haroon Sheikh
Tech presentations:
Robert Kroeger (traded with Wayne Liu)
Sandra Loop
Stephen Mann
Michael McCool

3. Technical Presentation:

Wayne Liu
A Library for Polynomial Computations - The Blossoming Classes
There are a lot of different schemes for curves and surfaces in CAGD. Almost all are based on piecewise polynomial functions. In spite of this similarity, the code to do the computations is different for each scheme.

For my thesis I'm writing a general-purpose library for doing piecewise polynomial computations. The difficulty lies in how to provide, in one library, for all the different computations required. The solution is to provide a small set of efficient high-level operations which can be used to code all needed computations easily.

In this talk, I will talk the library--the Blossom Classes--and the operations provided.

4. General Discussion Items:

5. Action List (remember to update AL_active)

6. Directors Meeting:

7. Seminar(s):

ICR Colloquium
``Consistent Modelling of Noisy Communication Channels for
Syntactic Pattern Recognition''
B. John Oommen, Computer Science, Carleton University
Wednesday, March 8, 3:30 p.m.; DC1302


        the PURE MATH & C&O CLUB presents.....

                Professor W. Gilbert

        " Newton's Method for Complex Roots "


We first look at Newton's Method for approximating real roots
of functions, and consider a little of the history of the
method (Newton did one example and did not use calculus!).
We then apply the method to approximate complex roots.  When
does the method work and what can go wrong?  How can we modify
the method?  We show a connection with complex dynamics in
the plane and, of course, fractals.


              March 8, 1995, 4:30 - 5:30

                      MC 4041

     **  Delightful refreshments will be served  **

ICR Seminar
``Compilers: New Directions and New Challenges''
Frances E. Allen, IBM Fellow and
Technical Consultant to the VP of Services Applications
   and Solutions
IBM, TJ Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY
Thursday, March 9, 3:30 p.m.; DC1302

For an appointment to speak with Dr. Allen, please contact G.V.Cormack

VLSI Seminar
``Finite State Machines and Differential Equations:
using dynamical systems theory to understand VLSI circuits''
Mark Greenstreet, University of British Columbia
Friday, March 10, 10:30 - 11:30 a.m.; DC1304

8. Lab Cleanup (till 2:30pm or 5 minutes, whichever is longer)