CGL Meeting Agenda

Wednesday, March 1, 1995

DC 1304
1:30 PM
Michael McCool

1. Adoption of the agenda - additions/deletions thereto.

2. Coffee Hour and Next Meeting:

Coffee hour this week:
Coffee hour next week:

Next Meeting
March 8, 1995
DC 1304
Andrew Park
Tech Presentation:
Robert Kroeger
Forthcoming: (list next 4 and trades)
Glenn Paulley
Randall Reid
Stephen Mereu
Haroon Sheikh
Tech presentations:
Jeromy Carriere
Wayne Liu
Sandra Loop
Michael McCool (or Stephen Mereu to catch up schedule)

3. Technical Presentation:

Nathan Konrad
Vector Field Visualization
This talk will examine some of the issues involved in visualizing vector fields, and particularly flow fields, in the context of current research by the Scientific Computation and Ground-water Research Groups. A brief introduction will first outline the unique difficulties involved in the current problem, and then review common techniques for vector field visualization, along with their strengths and weaknesses.

The second section will outline work being done on a software package, "Tetravect", which is being developed to address this problem and as a test bed for new visualization ideas and techniques.

4. General Discussion Items:

5. Action List (remember to update AL_active)

6. Directors Meeting:

7. Seminar(s):

           The Institute for Computer Research (ICR)
                      Presents a Seminar on
          Compilers:  New Directions and New Challenges

by:     Dr. Frances E. Allen
        IBM Fellow and Technical Consultant to the
        Vice President of Services Applications & Solutions

of:     IBM
        T.J. Watson Research Center
        Yorktown Heights, New York

Date:   Thursday, March 9, 1995
Time:   3:30  pm.          
Place:  William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302

           The Institute for Computer Research (ICR)
             Presents an Evening Lecture Series on

               Standard Generalized Markup Language,
            Document Development and On-Line Training

by:     Dr. Paul Beam

of:     Department of English
        University of Waterloo

Date:   Monday, March 20, 1995
Time:   8:00 p.m.
Place:  William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302


                    -March 10, 1995

Mark  Greenstreet, University of British Columbia, will
speak  on  ``Finite  State  Machines  and  Differential
Equations: using dynamical systems theory to understand
VLSI circuits''.

TIME:                10:30 a.m. - 11:30

ROOM:                DC 1304

The Pure Math and Combinatorics and Optimization Club Presents:
Drew Vandeth, Speaking on Infinite Words in Finite Alphabets
MC 4041, Tuesday Feb 28 at 4:30



                    -Wednesday, March 1, 1995

Greg Barnes, University of Waterloo, will speak on " An
Overview   of   Small-Space  Methods  for  Testing  s-t

TIME:                11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

ROOM:                DC 1304

                   The University of Waterloo
                      200 University Avenue
                        Waterloo, Ontario

           The Institute for Computer Research (ICR)

                    Presents a Colloquium on

      The Effects of Carrier Transport in Photonic Devices

by:     Dr. Roman Maciejko

of:     Engineering Physics Department
        Ecole Polytechnique
        Montreal, Quebec

Date:   Wednesday, March 1, 1995
Time:   3:30 pm.
Place:  William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302

                   The University of Waterloo
                      200 University Avenue
                        Waterloo, Ontario

           The Institute for Computer Research (ICR)

                      Presents a Seminar on

             Constructing Genome Informatics Systems
                    from Modular Components

by:     Dr. Nathan Goodman

of:     Center for Genome Research
        Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research
        Cambridge, MA

Date:   Tuesday, March 7, 1995
Time:   10:30  a.m.
Place:  William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302

           The Institute for Computer Research (ICR)
                    Presents a Colloquium on

          Consistent Modelling of Noisy Communication
           Channels for Syntactic Pattern Recognition

by:     Dr. B. John Oommen

of:     School of Computer Science
        Carleton University
        Ottawa, Ontario

Date:   Wednesday, March 8, 1995
Time:   3:30 pm.
Place:  William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302

           The Institute for Computer Research (ICR)
                    Presents a Colloquium on

        Object Oriented PL/1 Support at The Mutual Group

by:     Mr. Doug Fickling
        Systems Engineer, Support Services

of:     The Mutual Group
        Mutual Life of Canada

Date:   Wednesday, March 15, 1995
Time:   3:30 pm.
Place:  William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302

8. Lab Cleanup (till 2:30pm or 5 minutes, whichever is longer)