The Side Effects crew will talk about who they are and what they do.
The Institute for Computer Research (ICR) Presents a Colloquium on Buffer Management in Shared-Memory Time Warp Systems by: Dr. Richard Fujimoto of: College of Computing Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, Georgia Date: Wednesday, February 22, 1995 Time: 3:30 pm. Place: William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302
Cognitive Science Forum February 27. Davis Centre 1304. Noon. Martha Pollack, Computer Science Department, University of Pittsburgh Planning in Dynamic, Multi-Agent Domains: Issues and Experiments
The University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue Waterloo, Ontario The Institute for Computer Research (ICR) and the Information Technology Research Centre (ITRC) Present Microsoft Satellite TV Telecast Windows 95 Traincast: Windows 95 Migration/DevCast 7 Tuesday, February 28, 1995 11:00 am. - 6:00 pm. William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1304
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE SEMINAR -Wednesday, March 1, 1995 Liliana Ardissono (co-author Dario Sestero), Dipartimento di Informatica - Universita` di Torino Cso Svizzera 185, 10149 Torino, Italy, will speak on "Using Dynamic User Models in the Recognition of the Plans of the User". TIME: 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. ROOM: DC 1331
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES THEORY SEMINAR -Wednesday, March 1, 1995 Greg Barnes, University of Waterloo, will speak on " An Overview of Small-Space Methods for Testing s-t Connectivity". TIME: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. ROOM: DC 1304
The University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue Waterloo, Ontario The Institute for Computer Research (ICR) Presents a Colloquium on The Effects of Carrier Transport in Photonic Devices by: Dr. Roman Maciejko of: Engineering Physics Department Ecole Polytechnique Montreal, Quebec Date: Wednesday, March 1, 1995 Time: 3:30 pm. Place: William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302
The University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue Waterloo, Ontario The Institute for Computer Research (ICR) Presents a Seminar on Constructing Genome Informatics Systems from Modular Components by: Dr. Nathan Goodman of: Center for Genome Research Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research Cambridge, MA Date: Tuesday, March 7, 1995 Time: 10:30 a.m. Place: William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302
DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO SEMINAR ACTIVITIES MASTER'S THESIS PRESENTATION -Tuesday, March 7, 1995 Ian Glaister, graduate student, Dept. Comp. Sci., Univ. Waterloo, will speak on "Closure Propertiess of Deterministic Polynomial Automaticity (DPA), Nondeterministic Polynomial Automaticity (NPA), and Nondeterministic Polylogarithmic Automaticity (NPLA)". TIME: 4:00-5:00 p.m. ROOM: DC 1331
The University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue Waterloo, Ontario The Institute for Computer Research (ICR) Presents a Colloquium on Consistent Modelling of Noisy Communication Channels for Syntactic Pattern Recognition by: Dr. B. John Oommen of: School of Computer Science Carleton University Ottawa, Ontario Date: Wednesday, March 8, 1995 Time: 3:30 pm. Place: William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302
The University of Waterloo 200 University Avenue Waterloo, Ontario The Institute for Computer Research (ICR) Presents a Colloquium on Object Oriented PL/1 Support at The Mutual Group by: Mr. Doug Fickling Systems Engineer, Support Services of: The Mutual Group Mutual Life of Canada Date: Wednesday, March 15, 1995 Time: 3:30 pm. Place: William G. Davis Computer Research Centre, Room 1302
8. Lab Cleanup (till 2:30pm or 5 minutes, whichever is longer)