Week | Presenters | Readings |
Week 1: January 5th | Instructors | Organizational Meeting |
Week 2: January 11th | Canceled | Canceled |
Week 3: January 18th | Bill Cowan | The origin of the alphabet |
Week 4: January 25th | Elodie Fourquet | Luca Cardelli. Building use interfaces by direct manipulation. UIST 1988. |
Week 5: February 1st | Edwin Vane | Dorothea Blostein and Lippold Haken. Justification of printed music. CACM 34(3):88-99. |
Week 6: February 8th | Erin Lester | Patrick Baudisch and Carl Gutwin. Multiblending: displaying overlapping windows simultaneously without the drawbacks of alpha blending. CHI 2004. |
Week 7: February 15th | Jie Xu | C. Jacobs, W. Li, E. Schrier, D. Bargeron, and D. Salesin. Adaptive Grid-Based Document Layout. SIGGRAPH 2003. |
Bryan Chan | D.A. Keim, S.C. North and C. Panse. CartoDraw: a fast algorithm for generating contiguous cartograms. IEEE TVCG Jan-Feb 2004. | |
Week 8: February 22nd | Celine Latulipe | Michel Beaudouin-Lafon. Novel Interaction Techniques for Overlapping Windows. UIST 2001. (See also Bly and Rosenberg, A comparison of tiled and overlapping windows, CHI'86.) |
Stefanus Du Toit | Roger Hersch and Sylvain Chosson. Band moiré images. SIGGRAPH 2004. | |
Week 9: March 1st | Gilad Israeli | D. Kurlander, David H. Salesin, T. Skelly. Comic Chat. SIGGRAPH'96 |
Mike Cote | J.P. Lewis, Ruth Rosenholtz, Nickson Fong, and Ulrich Neumann. VisualIDs: Scenery for Data Worlds. SIGGRAPH 2004. | |
Week 10: March 8th | Mark Belcarz | Adrian Secord. Weighted Voronoi Stippling. NPAR 2002. |
Zheng Qin | Sylvain Lefebvre and Fabrice Neyret. Pattern Based Procedural Textures. I3D 2003. | |
Week 11: March 15th | Maria Wong | Wallace Chigona and Thomas Strothotte. Contextualized text explanations for visualizations. SG 2002. (See also this follow-up paper.) |
Robin Liu | Michael T. Wong, Douglas E. Zongker and David H. Salesin. Computer-Generated Floral Ornament. SIGGRAPH'98. | |
Week 12: March 22nd | Kristina Hildebrand | Holger Eichelberger. Aesthetics of Class Diagrams. IEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis, 2002. |
Gabriel Moreno-Fortuny | T. Porter and T. Duff. Compositing Digital Images. SIGGRAPH 1984. | |
Week 13: March 29th | Gabriel Esteves | Peter Henderson. Functional Geometry. Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation, December 2002. |
Lijie Zou | Johnson, B. and Shneiderman, B. Treemaps: a space-filling approach to the visualization of hierarchical information structures. IEEE Visualization 1991. |