CS888 Winter 2005
Presentation topics
We prefer for you to find your own papers to read and present, and you
will enjoy the work more if you do. On this page, you will find some
general advice about locating suitable papers, along with a short list
of papers that we offer for consideration.
Once you've narrowed your choices down to a few possibilities, send your
ideas to me (Craig) in an
email or stop by my office. Be sure also to include a few dates on which
you'd be willing to present. We'll make a final paper selection and
assign you a date.
How to find papers
The literature on 2D graphics is scattered around. Look through
recent conference proceedings (SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, Graphics interface,
NPAR) and journals (Transactions on Graphics, Journal of Graphics Tools)
for interesting papers with an emphasis on flatland. You could also
look at more focused conferences such as RIDT (Raster Imaging and Digital
Typography), InfoVis (IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization) or
EP (Electronic Publishing). Chasing references
back a few steps might help you locate a more fundamental paper from a
few years ago; older papers are probably acceptable for presentation.
Because some of the topics are not taught in our graphics course but
are nevertheless very useful, we may accept a presentation that's heavier
in introductory material taken from textbooks rather than papers.
Suggested papers
- Douglas E. Zongker, Geraldine Wade, and David Salesin.
Example-based Hinting of TrueType Fonts. SIGGRAPH 2000.
- C. Jacobs, W. Li, E. Schrier, D. Bargeron, and D. Salesin.
Adaptive Grid-Based Document Layout. SIGGRAPH 2003.
- Luca Cardelli.
Building use interfaces by direct manipulation. UIST 1988.
- R.A. Morris, R.D. Hersch, and A. Coimbra. Legibility of Condensed Perceptually-Tuned Grayscale Fonts. RIDT'98.
- Mary C. Dyson and Gary J. Kipping. Exploring the Effect of
Layout on Reading from Screen. RIDT'98
- Tom Duff. Polygon Scan Conversion by Exact Convolution. RIDT'89.
- Adrian Secord. Weighted Voronoi stippling. NPAR 2002.
- Victor Ostromoukhov. Artistic Screening.
- Eric J. Stollnitz, Victor Ostromoukhov, and David Salesin.
Reproducing Color Images Using Custom Inks. SIGGRAPH'98.
- Victor Ostromoukhov.
A Simple and Efficient Error-Diffusion Algorithm. SIGGRAPH 2001.
- D. Kurlander, David H. Salesin, T. Skelly.
Chat. SIGGRAPH'96.
- S.Y. Lee, K. Y. Shin, and G. Wolberg. Image Metamorphosis Using Sankes and Free-Form Deformations. SIGGRAPH'95.
- Michael T. Wong, Douglas E. Zongker and David H. Salesin.
Computer-Generated Floral Ornament. SIGGRAPH'98.
- J.P. Lewis, Ruth Rosenholtz, Nickson Fong, and Ulrich Neumann.
VisualIDs: Scenery for Data Worlds. SIGGRAPH 2004.
- T. Porter and T. Duff.
Compositing Digital Images. SIGGRAPH 1984.
Topics that aren't papers
- Ron Perry and Sarah Frisken. Saffron: High Quality Scalable Type for Digital Displays.
MERL. (Unfortunately, there don't seem to be any papers about this
project. But you might try working forward from the
Adaptively Sampled Distance Fields SIGGRAPH paper.
- The hz formatting system by URW. Some information can be found
in Two Decades of Typographic Research at URW: A Retrospective by
Peter Karow in RIDT'98, and a bit more in the book
Elements of Typographic Style by Robert Bringhurst,
but it's not clear that there's enough out there to form a
Other links