CS888 Winter 2005

Presentation topics

We prefer for you to find your own papers to read and present, and you will enjoy the work more if you do. On this page, you will find some general advice about locating suitable papers, along with a short list of papers that we offer for consideration.

Once you've narrowed your choices down to a few possibilities, send your ideas to me (Craig) in an email or stop by my office. Be sure also to include a few dates on which you'd be willing to present. We'll make a final paper selection and assign you a date.

How to find papers

The literature on 2D graphics is scattered around. Look through recent conference proceedings (SIGGRAPH, Eurographics, Graphics interface, NPAR) and journals (Transactions on Graphics, Journal of Graphics Tools) for interesting papers with an emphasis on flatland. You could also look at more focused conferences such as RIDT (Raster Imaging and Digital Typography), InfoVis (IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization) or EP (Electronic Publishing). Chasing references back a few steps might help you locate a more fundamental paper from a few years ago; older papers are probably acceptable for presentation.

Because some of the topics are not taught in our graphics course but are nevertheless very useful, we may accept a presentation that's heavier in introductory material taken from textbooks rather than papers.

Suggested papers

Topics that aren't papers

Other links

Craig S. Kaplan Last updated: