Week |
Presenters |
Readings |
Week 1, September 8: DC3113 Organizational |
Instructors |
How to give a talk
Simulating Fluid-Solid Interaction, GI 2003, pg 31-38.
My slides
Week 2, September 15: DC3113
Guillaume Poirier |
Image-Based Skin Color and Texture Analysis/Synthesis by Extracting
Hemoglobin and Melanin Information in the Skin,
Week 3, September 22: DC3113
Ian Harrower |
Graphcut Textures: Image and Video Synthesis Using Graph Cuts,
Robin Liu |
Shadow Matting and Compositing, SIGGRAPH 2003.
Week 4, September 29: DC3113
Gabriel Renaud |
Light scattering from human hair fibers, SIGGRAPH 2003 |
Edwin Vane |
Real-time Rendering of Aerodynamic Sound using Sound Textures based on =
Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Week 5, October 6: DC3113
Bryan Chan |
Instant Architechture,
Mike Wasilewski |
Fragment-Based Image Completion, SIGGRAPH 2003 |
Week 6, October 13: Home!
A Turkey |
Thanksgiving Day |
Week 7, October 20: DC3113
Jason Skomorowski |
Wang Tiles for Image and Texture Generation,
Week 8, October 27: DC3113
Zheng Qin |
View-dependent displacement mapping, SIGGRAPH 2003 |
Gabriel Moreno Fortuny |
Billboard clouds for extreme model simplification, SIGGRAPH 2003 |
Week 9, November 3: DC3113
Andrew Ellem |
High Dynamic Range Video |
Week 10, November 10: DC3113
Sandrine Bard |
A Procedural Approach to Animate Interactive Natural Sceneries ,
CASA03 |
Elodie Fourquet |
An Invitation to Discuss Computer Depiction, NPAR 2002 |
Week 11, November 17: DC3113
Erin Lester |
Perceptially-Supported Image Editing of Text and
Graphics, UIST 2003 |
Tiberiu Popa |
T-splines and T-NURCCs, SIGGRAPH 2003 |
Week 12, November 24: DC3113
Jie Xu |
Artistic Vision: Painterly Rendering Using Computer Vision Techniques, NPAR 2002 |
Jack Wang |
Realistic Modeling of Bird Flight Animations,
SIGGRAPH 2003 on Nov. 24th.
Week 13, December 1: DC3113
Bryan Chan |
Linear Algebra Operators for GPU Implementation of Numerical Algorithms, Siggraph'03
Mike Wasilewski |
Smoke Control, SIGGRAPH 2003 |
Gabrield Moreno Fortuny |
Efficient Rendering of Spatial Bi-directional Refelectance Distribution Functions, SIGGRAPH 2002 |