If you would like to apply to graduate studies in the Computer Graphics Laboratory at the University of Waterloo, here are the steps you should follow:
  1. See the school webpage for how to apply to grad school in Computer Science at the University of Waterloo.

    Note that you must be accepted into the department before CGL even sees your application.

  2. On your application form, there will be a section where you list your interests. In here write that you are interested in computer graphics or human-computer interaction and in working in CGL. If you are interested in working for a specific professor, write his name here. Note that if you list other interests here, your application may be routed to another research group.
  3. Send email to Craig Kaplan (csk@uwaterloo.ca) telling him that you are applying. This will help us watch for your application once they are distributed to our research group.
  4. You should also include a letter stating your research interests in graphics (if you don't have anything specific, just say you are interested in graphics) and stating your background in computer graphics and mathematics.
  5. Include as much contact information as you can (phone, email, postal address, etc) in case we want to contact you.
  6. If you know any of the CGL professors (current or former), ask them to write you a letter of recommendation to include with your grad school application. If you know any other CGL alumni, have them send a recommendation to Bill Cowan.